District Codes & Resolutions

Resolutions Archive:

The District’s policies are made official with the passing of resolutions by our three-member Board of Commissioners.  Below is a condensed archive of resolutions:

2013.03.12 Adopting the Franchise Agreement with the City of Lake Forest Park
2012.08.55 Adopting the Franchise Agreement with the City of Shoreline

District Code:

The District is currently in the process of updating our Code, which we anticipate completing in early 2024. The following categories link to specific code documents that have been approved thus far:

Title 1. Administration
Title 2. Finance and Revenue
Title 3. Rates and Charges
Title 4. Construction
Title 5. Development
Title 6. Facilities
Title 7. Conservation and Environment
Title 8. Definitions


2 responses on “District Codes & Resolutions

  1. I would like to read the full text of Resolutions 2016.08.25, 2016.08.26, and 2016.08.27. Are these texts available for review online?
    In addition, after reviewing the District’s posted financial statements, I would like to learn more about the numbers of and salaries of positions paid at NCWD, including the commissioners. Is this information available online?
    Vance McElmurry
    rate payer

    • Good Morning Mr. Vance – I will be sending you the adopted resolutions in a subsequent email.

      To follow up on your question about “the numbers of and salary of positions paid at NCWD”, they are available on the website at:

      If you scroll down to the December 2015 section, you will see both the presentation we made at the Board meeting and the adopted budget.

      Thank you.

      Diane Pottinger, PE,
      District Manager

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