Welcoming Our New Executive Assistant


North City Water District is delighted to introduce you to our newest employee, Theresa Harrington.

In her role as Executive Assistant, Theresa wears a lot of different hats—ranging from office organizational tasks, board room facilitation, and executive responsibilities for our District Manager, to community and public outreach—including educating children about water conservation and environmental issues.

She is also serving as our representative on the Saving Water Partnership’s Conservation Technical Forum Committee.

Theresa’s skills, experience and passion were a great match for the job, having worked for a non-profit association that provided civil legal services to low income individuals as a grant writer for Harborview Medical Center Development Department, and as a non-profit consultant for Seattle Music Teachers Association.

As a volunteer PTSA Board Member, Theresa worked with Carl Sandburg Elementary School’s Green Team to establish composting and waste reduction, and helped set up the school’s first Science Expo.

We’re thrilled to have her on our staff, and invite you to come say hello to her at one of our next community event appearances!