Disaster Preparedness 101


According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 60% of people do not have an Emergency Plan that they have discussed with their household. Being prepared for a disaster means planning ahead. Here are four steps to get you started:

1. Sign up for Emergency Alerts

The City of Shoreline, the City of Lake Forest Park, and King County all offer emergency alert systems. Get signed up here:





2. Create a Plan, Build a Kit

It takes very little time to document a simple plan that includes emergency contacts, escape routes, safe spots, and meeting places. Assemble a kit for each family member (and pets!) with basic supplies and plan details. Get started here:



Flood I5 Centralia

3. Take a Class

Get the knowledge and skills you need to prepare for, respond during, and recover from a disaster with Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. Learn more here:



neighbor hugs

4. Organize your Neighborhood

Nearly half of us expect to rely on neighbors after a disaster. This website has a great planning document that outlines the steps for organizing your neighborhood to be prepared for emergencies:


6.5 x 20 English Infographic