FREE Savvy Gardener Class – Winning Weed Wars Without Chemicals

Learn how to avoid weeds using the most environmentally friendly methods possible.

Winning the Battle Without Chemical Warfare
Savvy gardener masthead smThursday, June 23, 2022
6:30–8:00 pm

About The Class

This entertaining class will teach you many different ways to control unwanted plants in your garden without resorting to herbicide sprays as a first choice. Mulches, groundcovers, hand tools, native plants and just some of the ideas that will be covered with a light hearted and fun way of looking at volunteer plants. Included will be descriptions of plants to avoid due to their invasive nature, weeds to learn to love, and a few weeds that are so noxious they must be eradicated immediately. The goal is to arm the gardener with different ideas, tools and attitudes about those unwanted weeds in your outdoor space.

Email Registration Required

This Savvy Gardener class is being held online using the free Zoom platform. To register, you must provide your name and email address to so we can send you a link to join the class.

*How Zoom Works

If you haven’t used Zoom before, this video provides a nice overview of what to expect and how to get started (if you wish, you can skip her preamble and start watching the steps at the 1:12 minute mark).

About a week before class, you will receive an email with the Zoom class link. Be sure to check your inbox (and your spam filter too, just in case) for this email. If you still haven’t received it on the day before class, contact / 206.362.8100.

On the evening of the class, use your desktop computer, a laptop computer, a tablet, or a smart phone to click the link in the email we sent you to join the class. We recommend doing this about 5-10 minutes before class (the Zoom “room” will open at 6:15 pm) to allow for any last minute technical adjustments.

You will be able to see and hear the presenter and her slide show, and you can ask questions through the chat feature. Your privacy is assured: attendees are not be able to share audio or video.

About Our Presenter:

Marianne Binetti has a degree in horticulture from WSU and is the author or co-author of a dozen gardening books written for Washington and Oregon. She has been a regular guest on HGTV, radio and gives gardening seminars as well as writes a syndicated garden column. Marianne and her husband Joe lead garden tours around the world (COVID-permitting) and she keeps control of her own weeds on her two acre garden near Enumclaw.

Follow Marianne:
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